Appartement AlpenHit in SaalbachAppartement AlpenHit in SaalbachAppartement AlpenHit in SaalbachAppartement AlpenHit in SaalbachAppartement AlpenHit in SaalbachAppartement AlpenHit in SaalbachAppartement AlpenHit in SaalbachAppartement AlpenHit in SaalbachAppartement AlpenHit in SaalbachAppartement AlpenHit in Saalbach

Spend your vacation in the Alpen Hit apartment house

you will receive the popular JOKER CARD for the whole family.

The Saalbach Hinterglemm JOKER CARD is the trump card for the perfect summer holiday…

Apartment AlpenHit in Saalbach - Comfortable apartments in alpine style

…and allows free access to many attractions. JOKER CARDS will be issued in the summer of 2014 from May 23rd to October 26th and can only be used during this period.

As a guest in the Alpen Hit apartment, the Joker Card Saalbach-Hinterglemm is included for the duration of your stay.

The following services are included in the Joker Card:

  • Unrestricted use of the cable cars in operation in Saalbach Hinterglemm
  • Montelino’s adventure trail on the Kohlmais
  • Mount Kodok on the Reiterkogel
  • adidas Freeride Park on the Reiterkogel
  • X line on the Schattberg
  • Tennis courts in Saalbach Hinterglemm
  • head of the valley
  • Teufelswasser at the end of the valley
  • Hiking bus in Saalbach Hinterglemm
  • Outdoor pool in Saalbach
  • 10 guided hikes per week
  • Medicinal herb path on the Reiterkogel
  • Slideshows
  • Homestead/ski museum
  • + many attractive discount partners

Seite druckenE-Mail-Adresse
AlpenHit KG
Eberhartweg 17, 5753 Saalbach, Austria
Tel.: +43 (0) 6541 / 7243 -E-Mail: